What you will need:
A Zapier account
Your Verse API Key
Your Big Purple Dot User
Your Big Purple Dot Secret
Available Zap Functions:
Note: This integration can be somewhat complex and does require familiarity with Zapier. If you're unfamiliar with Zapier, we highly recommend checking out our Zapier article here to learn more.
Send New Leads from Big Purple Dot to Verse
Sending new leads from Big Purple Dot to Verse automatically must be set up by Big Purple Dot support. Once you have created a Catch Hook in Zapier reach out to Big Purple Dot support for assistance with sending leads to Zapier.
Step 1 - Create a Trigger from the Catch Hook Event
The first step in this process is to create a new Trigger from the Webhooks by Zapier App. Next, select Catch Hook from the Event dropdown.
Skip the Set up trigger section, this won't be necessary for the integration.
At this point, we need a test lead to be sent to our Webhook. Click on Copy, next to the webhook URL, and then forward that URL to Big Purple Dot Support along with the conditions you would like to be met before a lead will be sent. It's common for the condition to simply be "when a lead is created in Big Purple Dot".
Once you have a your first lead you can move on to the next step.
Step 2 - Add a Filter (Optional)
If you don't want to send every new lead created in Big Purple Dot over to Verse, make sure to add a Zapier Filter step, which will allow you to filter by any of the fields in Big Purple Dot.
For more information about Zapier Filters check out this guide from Zapier: How to get started with Filters.
Step 3 - Add a Create Lead Action
Stary by adding a new Action step with the Verse App. Select Create Lead from the Event dropdown, then click on Continue.
Once you're signed in, click Continue.
Next, you will map over all the standard fields into Verse. The most important fields are usually:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Lead Source
Lastly, you'll be asked to test the Action. This will actually create a real lead in Verse, and the Verse platform will begin engaging with that lead, so please be aware not to send a real lead into the platform by mistake. You can click on Skip test to avoid. Otherwise, if you do end up sending in a test lead inadvertently, you can quickly end the convo from the Verse dashboard. For more information please check our guide here: How to end a conversation.
Qualified Lead updates to Big Purple Dot
You can automatically update your leads in Big Purple Dot with Verse qualification summary and update your Lead Status in Big Purple Dot so that your sales team can take it from there.
Step 1 - Create a Trigger from the New Qualified Lead Event
Once you've created a new Zap using the Verse App, the first step is to select the New Qualified Lead Event and click Continue.
After you choose your Verse account you'll be asked to test your trigger. Don't worry if you don't have any qualified leads in Verse yet. You'll be provided a sample lead that can be used to set up the rest of the Zap. Click Test trigger.
Once you see the test lead show up, click Continue and move on to the next step.
Step 2 - Add a Code by Zapier Action
Next you will use the Code by Zapier Action to convert the Verse Summary to ensure that a request to Big Purple Dot is formatted properly. It is very important to not skip this step. Select Run Javascript and then click Continue.
Enter "note" into the first Input Data field. Next, map the Verse Summary to the second Input Data field. Finally copy the Javascript below and paste it into the Code field.
output = [{result: JSON.stringify(inputData.note)}];
Now you can click Continue and Test the action.
Now we can use the output from this step to send our Summary to BPD. Click Continue to move on to the next step.
Step 3 - Add a Webhooks by Zapier Action
Next you will use a webhook to send a request to Big Purple Dot. Add a Webhooks by Zapier Action, select Custom Request from the Event dropdown. Click Continue to move on the the Set up action section.
First, set the Method dropdown to POST. Next, copy the Big Purple Dot URL into the URL field. This URL will allow us to create new leads in BPD, or update them if an existing lead matches the first_name and phone (or email) field.
Now you'll want to specificy the fields to send back to BPD. For more information about the fields that BPD can accept, please refer to this guide: API Documentation - Big Purple Dot. Once you're done with the Data, ensure that the Headers field has content-type set to application/json.
Please note that the Result from Step 2 already includes double quotes. Do not include double quotes around that merge field or the request will fail. If you run into any issues, we highly recommend confirming the JSON in the Data field is valid. JSONLint is a great resource for validating JSON.
Skip the test if you don't want to send the lead to Big Purple Dot. It may be useful to test at least once to confirm the webhook settings are correct.
Unqualified Lead updates to Big Purple Dot
You can automatically update your leads in Big Purple Dot when Verse unqualifies a lead to store the reasons unqualified and any other data to report on later.
Step 1 - Create a Trigger from the New Unqualified Lead Event
Once you've created a new Zap using the Verse App, the first step is to select the New Unqualified Lead Event and click Continue.
After you choose your Verse account you'll be asked to test your trigger. Don't worry if you don't have any unqualified leads in Verse yet. You'll be provided a sample lead that can be used to set up the rest of the Zap. Click Test trigger.
Once you see the test lead show up, click Continue and move on to the next step.
Step 2 - Add a Code by Zapier Action
Next you will use the Code by Zapier Action to convert the Verse Summary to ensure that a request to Big Purple Dot is formatted properly. It is very important to not skip this step. Select Run Javascript from the Event dropdown and then click Continue.
Enter "note" into the first Input Data field. Next, map the Verse Summary to the second Input Data field. Finally copy the Javascript below and paste it into the Code field.
output = [{result: JSON.stringify(inputData.note)}];
Now you can click Continue and Test the action.
Now we can use the output from this step to send our Summary to BPD. Click Continue to move on to the next step.
Step 3 - Add a Webhooks by Zapier Action
Next you will use a webhook to send a request to Big Purple Dot. Add a Webhooks by Zapier Action, select Custom Request from the Event dropdown. Click Continue to move on the the Set up action section.
First, set the Method dropdown to POST. Next, copy the Big Purple Dot URL into the URL field. This URL will allow us to create new leads in BPD, or update them if an existing lead matches the first_name and phone (or email) field.
Now you'll want to specificy the fields to send back to BPD. For more information about the fields that BPD can accept, please refer to this guide: API Documentation - Big Purple Dot. Once you're done with the Data, ensure that the Headers field has content-type set to application/json.
Please note that the Result from Step 2 already includes double quotes. Do not include double quotes around that merge field or the request will fail. If you run into any issues, we highly recommend confirming the JSON in the Data field is valid. JSONLint is a great resource for validating JSON.
Skip the test if you don't want to send the lead to Big Purple Dot. It may be useful to test at least once to confirm the webhook settings are correct.
End Verse engagement from Big Purple Dot
Ending a Verse conversation with a lead right from Big Purple Dot is possible by making use of another Catch Hook. For assistance with setting up the trigger in Big Purple Dot, please reach out to Big Purple Dot Support.
Step 1 - Create a Trigger from the Catch Hook Event
The first step in this process is to create a new Trigger from the Webhooks by Zapier App. Next, select Catch Hook from the Event dropdown.
Skip the Set up trigger section, this won't be necessary for the integration.
At this point, we need a test lead to be sent to our Webhook. Click on Copy, next to the webhook URL, and then forward that URL to Big Purple Dot Support along with the conditions you would like to be met before a lead will be sent. It's common for the condition to be when a lead has a specific Status Tag applied in Big Purple Dot. Once the webhook is set up in Big Purple Dot, you should receive a test lead that can be used to map the rest of the fields.
Once you have a sample Lead you can move on to the next step.
Step 2 - Add a Stop Conversation Action
Stary by adding a new Action step with the Verse App. Select Stop Conversation (Unqualify) from the Event dropdown, then click on Continue.
βNote: If you prefer to have the lead displaying as Qualified, please use the End Conversation (Qualify) Event instead.
Once you're signed in, click Continue. If you want to be able to stop conversations in any of your subaccounts, set Apply to entire team? to Yes, otherwise set it to No. Next, you will map over either the Email, Phone, or LeadId (Verse ID) to find the lead.
Lastly, you'll be asked to test the Action. For now click on Skip test to avoid halting any live conversations, though it would most likely just fail if you don't have any active leads in Verse.