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Verse Engage FAQ
Annie Konarska avatar
Written by Annie Konarska
Updated over 2 years ago

How do I give Verse access to my leads?

When signing up for Verse Engage, our team will collect information from you regarding your lead sources and CRM. From there, our team will develop an integration plan that aligns best with your systems and selected handoff method. In most cases, we will be integrating with your CRM via Zapier which you can learn more about by clicking here.

Can I send my database leads to Verse?

Yes! Our Verse Revive Solution helps you discover hidden revenue opportunities by sparking new conversations with existing customers and prospects. Connect with your Account Manager to see if Verse Revive is a good fit for you!

How do I stop my leads from going to Verse?
If your organization is owning the integration with Verse, you will need to shut off all zaps or integrations from your end. If our organization is owning the integration, please notify your Account Manager or email our support team at In either case, Verse must be notified whenever an integration is changed or disabled in order to prevent errors.

How do I know which leads to send to Verse?
Verse can effectively work with any lead that has opted-in to communicate with your business. With the added value of data insights, it is wise to send leads from all sources to Verse in order to track lead source quality and performance.

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