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Messaging Policy Regarding Opt-Out Language
Messaging Policy Regarding Opt-Out Language

Verse SMS Compliance Update

Avi Tal avatar
Written by Avi Tal
Updated over a week ago

At Verse, we are committed to helping businesses win through authentic conversational texting. In an ever-changing regulatory landscape, a constant you can always count on is Verse’s commitment to helping you create verified, reliable, and innovative communications that scale.


Last year we stayed ahead of the curve by launching TrustContact, a suite of solutions that ensures message deliverability is successful at scale for our customers. To enable TrustContact, we collect and verify your business information, register your campaign use-cases with phone carriers, and cover all registration fees on your behalf. Verified businesses benefit from solutions such as Shaken/Stir, A2P Messaging, and DNC LitigatorScrub, which have resulted in higher levels of trust from consumers.

A2P (Application-to-Person) registration ensures that your SMS campaigns comply with the A2P 10DLC regulation. Without A2P, there is a higher probability your SMS communications can be filtered/blocked by phone carriers. For more information on A2P compliance, visit here.

The industry’s recent move over to A2P however created some confusion in the messaging ecosystem regarding what consent is required for sending consumers text messages. For example, the FCC had decided that messaging platforms that lack the capabilities of an autodialer, or use of pre-recorded messages as defined by the TCPA, would not be required to adhere to consent requirements outlined in the TCPA. FCC rules such as these, however, only relate to the minimum requirements based on federal law, while phone carriers and/or individual states may require more stringent adherence to consent-based messaging practices.


This year (2022), Phone carriers have started taking an increasingly stricter stance on consent requirements, and as a result, not abiding by new messaging principles and best practices can result in more message filtering and phone number blocking by carriers. After carefully consulting with our messaging partners and phone carriers directly, we’ve decided to update our messaging policy regarding “opt-out” language.**

Moving forward, the initial text needs to include some version of the “opt-out” language, which gives consumers the ability to easily revoke consent at any time by replying with a standard opt-out keyword. This new policy is designed to support a healthy, sustainable messaging ecosystem for our customers and their consumers.

Long term, we know this is the right move. Not only does it prevent and filter bad actors and “spammers”, but it significantly increases message deliverability and consumer trust.

**Please note: Verse complies and takes action on all opt-out keywords out of the box. This new requirement is strictly related to the inclusion of opt-out language in the initial text.


The language and phrases you use are completely customizable, as long as the messages meet the basic spirit of the requirement: informing the consumer how to easily “opt-out” of text messaging with the use of a keyword.

To accommodate these new policies, Verse has developed two core “opt-out” language strategies:


Best for Live Lead Campaigns

In the example below, ABC Realty’s first text includes the “opt-out” language, followed by an “opening text” ~45 seconds later. Our favorite part about this strategy is the 2nd text: Although still automated, it feels authentic and human. This technique yields increased response rates and higher-quality interactions overall (compared to a standard opening text without opt-out language).


Best for Aged Lead Campaigns

In example #2, ABC Turf uses a more standard approach by appending the “opt-out” language to the end of the opening text. Sure, it’s simple and quick, but it feels more automated and robotic than the double text strategy. Keep in mind, that there are some use-cases where the appended “opt-out” language is warranted. For example, Verse Revive campaigns enable businesses to follow up with previously unresponsive leads or automate follow-up texts based on certain CRM signals. In these situations, a consumer isn’t inquiring about something in real-time or expecting any outreach, in which case the double text approach may lead to more confusion.

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